Review Jurnal Bahasa Inggris


Applied Management (JAM)
Volumen & Halaman
Vol 16,No.1
Adi Indrayanto,Sigit W.D.Nugroho,dan Titi Nurfitri
Jeviana (1721200080)
22 Juni 2019

Latar Belakang
This research is a study of the relationship between work motivation and work environment on the competitive advantage that is developed by creativity and innovation. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of work motivation and work environment on creativity and innovation in creating competitive advantage. This research conducted at tourism location in Indonesia and China. The sample determined by purpo- sive sampling. The total respondent from this research is 368 respondents consist of 181 from Indonesian and 187 from China. Employing Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis, the results from outer models, inner models, and hypotheses testing by t-test are as follows: Work motivation has positive significant influence toward creativity. Work environment has a significant influence on creativity. Creativity has positive significant influence toward innovative. The implication from the conclusion below, suggest that tourism workers should increase work motivation because it could give positive feedback to an organization. In- creasing work motivation also can increase creativity on an individual in facing dynamic environment to create competitive advantage and win over competitors.

Metode Penelitian
This study is quantitative research that data in the form of numbers and analytical employed the statistics approach. According to Sugiyono (2012), a Quantitative method is called as the traditional method because this method is used for long enough as a method for research. The quantitative method also referred as a positivistic method, scientific method, and discovery method, because of a quan- titative method based on the philosophy of positiv- ism and have rules of scientific as concrete or em- pirical, objective, measured, rational, systematically
and can find or develop new science and technol- ogy.The populations of this study are all of the em- ployees at Indonesian and Chinese tourism work- ers. Indonesia sampling came from Central Java tourism workers; Chinese sampling came from Baoding tourism workers. Sample sizes consist of 368 respondents consisting of 181 from Indonesian and 187 from Chinese. Measurement of variables in the present study is 5-point Likert Scale. Work motivation develops from George and Jones (2012) which is a measured direction of behavior, level of effort, and level of persistence. Work environment developed from Sedarmayanti, (2001) with the Physical and non-physical work environment. Vari- able creativity adapted from Munandar (2004) with the indicator process dimension and personal dimen- sion. The innovativeness adapted from De Jong and Den Hartog (2008) with the indicators consist of opportunity exploration, idea generation, champion- ing, and application. This research employed based Structural Equation Model (SEM), the researcher uses partial least square (PLS) approach that is one of approach to the method of structural equation method. Analysis on PLS done in three stages is outer analysis models, inner analysis models, and testing
The result of this research shows that work motivation has a positive significant effect on cre- ativity toward innovative in creating competitive. This condition indicates that work motivation on the individual has contributed to creating creativity in individual performance in creating competitive ad- vantage in an organization. This result was consis- tent with previous research conducted by Michie et al., (2002). The finding met the relevant with the theory of need by Mc Clelland are 1) Need of achievement (nAch) that employees attempt to reach the highest achievement and the achievement of the goal is realistic and challenging in the work progress and employees also need to get feedback from their environment as a form of recognition achievement. 2) The need of power (nPow) is employees moti- vation to affect their surroundings and have a strong character to lead with dominant ideas in the work- place, but employees have the motivation to increase their status and personal prestige to achieve per- sonal success in their performance. 3) Need of af- filiation (nAff) that individual reflects the desire to have close relationship and cooperation with other
Value AVE Expected
Value Work Motivation 0.916 0.70 0.893 0.70 0.644 0.50 Work Environment 0.911 0.70 0.893 0.70 0.674 0.50 Creativity 0.859 0.70 0.759 0.70 0.670 0.50 Innovativeness 0.921 0.70 0.895 0.70 0.701 0.50
Hypotheses testing can be evaluated using
ceptance is supported when p-value less than 0.05 bootstrapping procedure can be seen from t-value.
(Hussein, 2015). The statistical value for alpha 5%. The criteria ac-
Table 2 Hypotheses Testing Result
IV DV Path Coefficient t-value p-value
H1: Work Motivation Creativity 0.316 2.319 0.021 H2: Work Environment Creativity 0.425 2.777 0.009 H3: Creativity Innovativeness 0.327 2.359 0.019
parties indicated with most of the respondent obe- dient with work regulations.
If an individual is highly motivated to work, they will do whatever is necessary to achieve organiza- tion goals or they will be looking for new ideas in facing any potential challenge to achieve organiza- tion goals. This condition can be occurring because many respondents have initiated to fix their job when they think their performance not good enough and adroitness with the job, they did not give up easily during work and respondents always try to focus with their job.
The result of this research shows that work environment has a significant effect on creativity toward innovative. This condition indicates that work environment has significant influence to create cre- ativity on individual performance in creating com- petitive advantage. The higher of work environment always followed by the higher of creativity on an individual. This result consistent with previous re- search conducted by Sanny et al., (2013) that work environment significantly influence creativity.

journals use language that is easy to understand and uses detailed explanations
The journal does not mention anything that can happen when supporting factors and inhibiting factors exist in change management
The consistent relationship was found for work motivation toward creativity both theoretical expec- tations and predictions. Work motivation has a posi- tive effect and significant influence toward creativ- ity in creating competitive advantage. Work envi- ronment toward creativity has consistency relation- ship with previous theories and research. Work en- vironment has a positive significant influence on creativity in creating competitive advantage. Cre- ativity toward innovative has consistency relation- ship with previous theories and research. Creativity has positive significant influence toward innovative in creating competitive advantage.
The government should increase work motiva- tion on an individual because it could give positive feedbacks to an organization such as give them re- ward or gift. The employee can obey the regula- tions in an organization when they work by adroit- ness at the workplace it will motivate them to find
ideas to solve the problem. When motivation of work is high creativity on the individual also will increase. The government should develop both physically and non-physically work environment such as facilities and infrastructure to increase creativity and make the society warmth in order employees can share their ideas easily with their subordinates or supervi- sion. The organization should apply their creative ideas in an organization because it will help an or- ganization to achieve competitive advantage. The limitation of this study is respondent are busy or long work hours, bored, and less time when they are fill- ing the questionnaires.


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